
Vision of the Founder

I have been fortunate enough to have seen the most beautiful gemstones in the world, having visited every continent over my 30 years of research in the field and finding gems in their natural settings, including rubies, sapphires, emeralds, opals, fancy diamonds, meteorites, minerals, tourmalines, quartz, fossils and moonstones. 

 I have met with people of all different religions and ethnicities and looked into the eyes of innocent children who have been negatively impacted by local mining projects, from the jungles of Madagascar and Burma to the vast mountain terrain of the high Himalayas. I have tried to help as much as I could to ease the pain of those I have encountered, and this mission will never stop. 

 It is this mission that is at the core of the Peretti Museum Foundation. Although I have discovered several new minerals, with one – Perettiite(Y) – named after me, and have authored many publications, all this work would be lost to the world if not gathered in one place.

 At the zenith of my career at GRS laboratories, I decided to put all my treasures into a non-profit foundation and let my children and family help me pursue my vision that the scientific community and all other children of the world can appreciate forever.

- Dr. Adolf Peretti


Humanitarian Activities and Lifetime Awards




Ethical Sourcing →

We do our outmost effort to source our research material promoting protection of nature, pay fair prices and promote safety for workers and avoid child labour. 

Curating a Collection →

Collect scientific samples of special interest (published, holotypes, new minerals) and store them in a secure and legal structure, non-profit and with a clause to be donated to a public museum in case of default. Ensure GRS-numbered samples will always be available for science and the public research in the highest standard of museum practices

Giving Back →

Report to the world unjust and suffering of stakeholders in the mines and initiate charity projects to ease pain and give back to impoverished communities of the mining areas.

Supporting Science ✓

Reaching out to public museums and exhibitions to generate revenue that will be used to support young scientists with grants such as from the mining areas (e.g. Burma).


“Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is…Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you. ”

— Pope Francis